The Department of Hispanic Studies
Head of Department:
Assoc. Prof. Donka Mangacheva
♦ Admission time:
Wednesday - 14:00 - 16:00, room. 125A, Rectorate
♦ e-mail:
Programmes launched: Hispanic Studies – 1961, Lusophone Studies – 1992
The Department of Spanish Philology was founded in 1961 by Prof. Toma Tomov and Asst. Prof. Emilia Tsenkova, and was later renamed Department of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies. It employs highly qualified lecturers from Bulgaria and Spain.
The original name of the Department was the Department of Spanish Philology, later it became the Department of Ibero-Muslim Philology, then in 1992 the name of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies was established, and since the end of 2021 the Department of Hispanic Studies.
Over the last three decades, a tradition has been established to celebrate the anniversary of the specialty every five years with an international congress attended by scientists from different countries.
The specialty has a rich library whose collection includes both fiction and scientific literature.
Преподавателите участват в множество проекти и сътрудничат на други български и чуждестранни университети..
Graduates find employment as teachers of Spanish, translators, academics, civil servants, diplomats and media.